London Club Photography

OK, no posts for months: busy with work and much else. Bought a Nikon D200 and gotten a bit more serious with my club photography, which is keeping me sane. Haven’t really read anything recently worth reporting, although a stack of things await at home. More soon.

So Then

Haven’t felt inspired by any Cluster-ish stuff for a while, so have been concentrating my writing energies elsewere: mostly on the occasional piece on BigShinyThing. Some of those posts should probably get elaboration here, as they rapidly get too abstract for the audience over there to be much interested in them, I suspect. Stuff about channels, brands and content which might get somewhere eventually: I’m interested in watching what happens to that trinity as networked individualism (Barry Wellman’s phrase, not mine) really sinks in… Closer to home, I’ve also been hacking at some blog tools, some of which have already …

Coquelicot Jelly and Brébis Cheese

…from Cérét market for lunch last Sunday with Mary and Ann in Laroque des Albères. Can’t find the poppy jelly anywhere online. Anyone know where I can buy it in London?

Blue Moon

…tonight. Beautiful over the Thames. Reading the encyclopedic The Moon: Myth and Image by Jules Cashford: Some North American Indians see a cat in the moon, unravelling the wool of the waning days.

‘Special Relationship’

Just in case anyone missed it, a few of the requests that the US has made for protecting President Bush during his state visit to London this week: immunity from prosecution should any Secret Service agents kill anyone (or, indeed, everyone), shutdown of the London Underground system, use of miniguns for crowd control (!), and a sterile zone patrolled only by US personnel. These requests have all been turned down by the UK government. The jury is still out on whether they will shutdown the mobile phone networks to stop those sneaky terrorists using peer-to-peer to organise their movements. Given …

The Pressure of Thoughts

It is not certain what physical, chemical or neural mechanism causes or generates the changes in air pressure in or near the ear in response to various thoughts. It is hypothesized that various thoughts have varying intensities which cause involuntary muscle contractions or movements on a microscopic level in or near the ear, which generate pressure changes in or near the ear due to the compression of the air local to the ear. Nevertheless, regardless of the exact physical, chemical or neural mechanism, empirical testing has confirmed that thoughts generate small pressure changes in or near the ear of the …


On the Eurostar on the way back from Antwerp. I love it: I have no idea how their economy really works, but the city feels almost empty of people, yet somehow accomodates not just the Antwerp Six and their successors, but some of most lovely restaurants, bars and design shops I’ve ever seen. Oh and of course the art. They’ve somehow jumped straight past the service and information economies to some impossible present where all this is somehow self-supporting and profoundly civilised.

Beer and Bells

At the end of the sevententh century it was estimated that beer accounted for 28 percent of the nation’s total expenditure …according to Pete Brown’s Man Walks Into a Pub: A Sociable History of Beer. He is of course talking about Britain. I’m on a train to Birmingham for the weekend (with a beer). Been busy hunting for a new house, and working. Moving next weekend to just around the corner from the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. View of Docklands and the City. We need to buy architectural salvage gryphons for the corners of the terrace for that Ghostbusters effect…


A nice walk through the East End last night to DorkBot London in Limehouse. The highlights: Peter Cusack’s LF magentic audioscapes of Highbury and Islington underground station (south-bound platform, I think), and The Institute of Applied Autonomy‘s fine collection of DARPA website scrapings and repurposing of military technology and aesthetics for urban activism. Crucial performance requirement for their GraffitiWriter robot: it has to move faster than a cop. Very good stuff. Cheap beer, too.