Glanceware Music Navigation #2

For starters, drop the idea of a single rigid taxonomy — there are too many ways through, even assuming that canonical representations are possible. So we’re probably looking at something at least personal, possibly community-based. Folksonomic tagging would be a start, but how to navigate in a neatly glanceable fashion? I’m thinking of building a personalised acoustic surface, where patches of looped sound are snippets representing genres and subgenres, and which morph into one another ‘at the edges’ so you end up with a navigable 2- or 3-space which is a musical patchwork. ‘Drill down’ into any patch and explore …

Glanceware Remotes?

So. Sometime soon, broadbandwidth and QoS sufficient to stream 16/44k1 audio reliably, longhaul. And at some point a bit later, maybe, OMD aggregators which will be able to provide access to most of everything that way. On my mind at the moment is the question: how to navigate the whole of music space, in a glanceable fashion: minus clunky jogwheels and textual taxonomies. I’m thinking, as rules of the game, to allow only a 5.1 surroundfield and a remote useable one-handed, without any interactivity built into the remote itself — effectively a system which could be used in the dark, …

The Seven Stars

Yesterday, we took some time out for a deferred Valentine’s Day Out: Lunch at the Seven Stars — a recent discovery and now one of our favourite London pubs: lovely atmosphere, well-kept Adnams on tap and decent wine, friendly staff, enormous & very serious food, and Tom Paine the pub cat, who yesterday was looking fierce in a ruff collar, and then round the corner for a pilgrimage to the Hunterian Museum, which has to be experienced, if only for the Evelyn Tables: The oldest surviving anatomical preparations in Europe, which were bought in 1646 by the diarist John Evelyn. …


Recently won a Tag McLaren AV32R on eBay. Admittedly there’s very little official technical support for these now, and given that mine is the single processor model, there aren’t really a whole lot of upgrade options, even should I find someone to install them for me. And the VFD display, being a VFD display, is a bit tired. But it’s all about the sound, and the sound is excellent. I’ve been most surprised to find that I’m actually using their proprietary DSP when listening to music, as most DSP programs for spatialising stereo just turn the music to mush. The …