
Hottest day in recorded history in the UK today (37.9°C at Heathrow). In Birmingham, sudden deluge and seriously sinuous forked lightning over the village pub where we were having lunch. The electricity cut out, candlelight at 2pm under the darkness of the storm. Fourteen people injured from a lightning strike at a football match in Birmingham, others elsewhere. On the train back to London, more lightning at Northampton. Hoping the storm makes it to London before we do, to cool things down. Peter Weir’s The Last Wave feels like required viewing when we get home.


  1. and here i am looking through APC’s “Equipment Policy Protection” in an attempt to get some coverage on a G4 that was zapped last week in a lovely storm … huge flash of white light inside that jumped a BackUPS 500. the chunkier SmartUPS 2000 we have didn’t seem to mind and luckily neither did the servers behind it.

    there must be some Ballard good for this …

  2. Ballard. well, I’ve been thinking that my new flat, having a fabulous view, a south-facing terrace, and being six stories up, is definitely ready for some Ballard heatdeath/slow flooding scenario…

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