Featuring Blanche Du Bois, Spanky, Pia, Marcus Reeves, Pascal Glanville & Amanda Pet (with Dickie Beau, Nando Messias and Helen Noir). Fab night. Pix here.


May 21 2008 — Double bill — Nando Messias with assistance from Amanda Pet, Helen Noir and Matt Cotton, and in the second half, the wonderful Bourgeois and Maurice. Pix on Flickr


Photos from UNDERCONSTRUCTION at Bistrotheque on Tuesday 6 November (featuring Dickie Beau, Le Gateau Chocolat, Marcus Reeves and Holestar) are now up on Flickr.


Last night we went to the opening night of Jonny Woo’s International Woman of Mister E, followed by Lavinia Co-Op’s INSTALLATIONS INSTILETTOS as part of the UNDERCONSTRUCTION season at Bistrotheque. Didn’t take pix of Jonny’s performance, but Lavinia Co-op photos are on Flickr. Thx to Lisa as always!